You are who
You Choose to Be
Gender Design / 2015.01
How can fashion be designed in a totally different way? Not specifically for (biological) women or for (biological) men, but neither in an androgynous or so-called "unisex" style? Fashion that is betwixt and between, that thinks of a concept of "otherness", i.e. absolutely new, experimental and risky.
除了男裝和女裝,時尚服飾中是否有可能存在著不具有特定性別的服飾? 試著從性別的模糊性當中去尋找時尚的可能性,同時也在差異性中去探討日常中性別帶來的刻板印象。
Everyone has masculinity and feminity soul in their mind. Mental gender can mixture both of them. Base on this concept, I create a series of cloth including four basic pieces. In these outfits you can change your style everyday by wearing in different way. This second you can choose to be a lovely sweet girl, but you can turn into a tomboy by transform the outfits. Then you are not the gender your physical shows, you are who you choose to be.